Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research

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Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research (IJOGR) open access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing since 2014 and is published under auspices of the Innovative Education and Scientific Research Foundation (IESRF), aim to uplift researchers, scholars, academicians, and professionals in all academic and scientific disciplines. IESRF is dedicated to the transfer of technology and research by publishing scientific journals, research content, providing professional’s membership, and conducting conferences, seminars, and award more...

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Get Permission Chandniwala and Jain: Abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopausal women: Clinical histopathological and sonography correlation


Abnormality in frequency, regularity, duration or volume of bleeding in women of reproductive age is called Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB). Quality of life is affected as it is associated with pain and discomfort. AUB leads to loss of productivity1 and may result in surgical intervention including hysterectomy.2 AUB affects 9 to 14% women between menarche and menopause.3 In India, the reported prevalence is around 17.9%.4 AUB patterns include menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, polymenorrhea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding and heavy menstrual bleeding.

To standardize nomenclature of AUB a system known by acronym PALM-COEIN was introduced in 2011 by FIGO.5

Table 0
Structural causes (PALM) Nonstructural causes (COEIN)
Polyps Coagulopathy
Adenomyosis Ovulatory dysfunction
Leiomyomas Endometrial
Submucosa (Primary disorder of mechanisms regulating endometrial hemostasis)
Malignancy and hyperplasia Iatrogenic
Not yet specified

Normal and abnormal parameters of menstruation parameters are characterized under FIGO nomenclature.

Table 0
Clinical dimension of menstrual cycle and menses Term Normal limits (5th -95th percentiles)
Frequency Frequent <24 days
Normal 24-38 days
Infrequent >38 days
Regularity: cycle to cycle variation over 1 year(days) Absent No bleeding
Regular Variation(+/- 2-20)
Irregular Variation >20 days
Duration of flow Prolonged >8.0 days
Normal 4.5-8.0days
Shortened <4.5 days
Volume of monthly blood loss Heavy >80ml
Normal 20-80ml
Light <20ml

Materials and Methods

Retrospective observational study was conducted in B.J. Medical college, Ahmedabad, Gujarat from august 2019 to January 2020 (6 months). Total 153 cases were analyzed. History and clinical findings were. ultrasonographic evaluation was done in all patients. The clinical fiindings ultrasonographic findings were correlated. Histopathology examination reports were correlated with sonographic reports.

Inclusion criteria

  1. Women in perimenopausal age group with complaint of AUB were included.

  2. Women who underwent surgical intervention i e hysterectomy were included.

Exclusion criteria

  1. Patient wanted medical management were excluded

  2. Patient who under went hysterectomy for reason other than AUB were excluded (eg: endometriosis, mental retardation).


153 women who underwent hysterectomy in them relation between Age and Parity was compared. Maximum patients are in between 40 and 45 years of age group (67.9%). It also depicts that chances of AUB increases with Parity.

Table 1

Distribution of parity and age(n=153)

Parity Years Total
40-45 45-50 >50
0 3 1 0 4
1 12 2 0 14
2 24 2 0 29
3 28 9 5 42
>=4 37 21 6 64
Total 104 36 13 153

Table 2

Distribution of duration and menstrual complaints(n=153)

Complaint Duration(month) Total
<3 3 to 6 6- to 12 >12
Menorrhagia 13 38 9 8 68
Polymenorrhoea 10 11 4 3 28
Metrorrhagia 5 16 6 3 30
Menometrorragia 4 9 2 2 17
Post-menopausal 4 4 2 0 10
Total 36 78 23 16 153

Majority of patients decides to undergo surgical intervention after 3-6 months of menstrual problem and menorrhagia is dominant symptom. In Indian population they either prefer medical management or donot take any treatment at all.

Table 3

Ultrasonography finding (n=153)

Diagnosis Percentage(%)
Fibroid 76 (49.67)
Bulky uterus 31 (20.26)
Adenomyosis 28 (18.30)
Thickened endometrium 12 (7.84)
Endometrial Polyp 4 (2.61)
Malignancy 2 (1.30)

[i] Majority were diagnosed to have fibroid.

Table 4

Distribution w.r.t. ultrasonography findings and bleeding pattern

USG finding Menorrhagia Polymenorrhia Metrorrhagia Menometrorrhagia Postmenopausal
Fibroid 32 16 13 13 2
Bulky Uterus 14 6 9 2 0
Adenomyosis 19 3 4 2 0
Thickened endometrium 3 3 2 2 4
Polyp - - 2 - 2
Malignancy - - - - 2

Histopathology reports of myometrium were suggestive fibroid 74 (48.36%), adenomyosis 42 (27.45%), and normal myometrium 35 (22.87%). Ultrasonographically 76 fibroid uterus were diagnosed, out of which 69 were confirmed by histopathology, and 7 were adenomyosis. USG diagnosed 28 cases with adenomyosis out of which 26 were confirmed by HPE. USG diagnosed 31 cases as having bulky uterus, which were clinically diagnosed as AUB, in which histopathology report were suggestive of normal myometrium in 18 cases, adenomyosis in 7, and leiomyoma in 3 cases. 72 cases had hyperplastic endometrium in histopathology report, only 11 were detected in ultrasonography.


Abnormal uterine bleeding is leading cause of hysterectomy in Perimenopausal women. In this study 153 perimenopausal women who underwent hysterectomy were evaluated. Majority of the women were between 40 to 45 years of age with higher parity and most common symptom was Menorrhagia (44.44%). The study of Jetley et al.6 and Shobha,7 in which clinical presentation as menorrhagia in AUB evaluation revealed 46.4% and 46.6%, respectively is comparable to this study.

Table 5

Histopathological examination in relation to ultrasonography diagnosis

USG Findings HPE findings
Myometrium Endometrium
Nor mal Leomyomatous changes Adenomyomatous changes Proliferative Secretory Hyperplastic Endometrial polyp
Fibroid uterus (n=76) - 69 7 13 16 32 -
Bulky uterus (n=31) 18 3 7 3 7 18 -
Adenomyosis (n=28) - 2 26 7 3 10 -
Thickened endometrium (n=12) 12 - 2 - - 11 -
Endometrial polyp (n=4) 4 - - - - - 4
Malignancy (n=2) 1 - - - - 1 -
Total 35 74 42 23 26 72 4

Table 6

Histopathological examination in relation to ultrasonography diagnosis

USG Findings HPE findings
Endometrium Cervix
Atrophic Inflammatory Carcinomatous Normal Inflammatory CIN
Fibroid uterus (n=76) 4 - - 34 42 -
Bulky uterus (n=31) - 2 1 13 18 -
Adenomyosis (n=28) - - - 9 19 -
Thickened endometrium (n=12) - - 1 5 9 -
Endometrial polyp (n=4) - - - 3 1 -
Malignancy (n=2) - - - 1 - 1
Total 4 2 2 65 89 1

Ultrasonography is more sensitive for detection of uterine fibroid and less sensitive for Adenomyosis. Whereas, specicificity to diagnose Adenomyosis is comparatively better.

Table 7
USG findings HPE report
Present Absent Total Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV (%) NPV (%)
Fibroid Present 69 7 76 93.24 91.13 90.78 93.50
Absent 5 72 77
Adenomyosis Present 26 2 28 61.9 98.19 92.85 87.2
Absent 16 109 125

Maximum patient had undergone surgical treatment after suffering for 3 to 6 month (54.98%) which is similar to the study of Kathuria and Bhatnagar (50%).8

Out of 76 ultrasonographic diagnosed uterine fibroid was 76 (49.67%) 69 were confirmed on histopathology report, and remaining 7 were adenomyosis. The sensitivity of USG for the diagnosis of uterine fibroid is 93.24%, and the specificity is 91.13%, which is comparable to Dueholm et al.9

Among 42 cases of Adenomyosis which were diagnosed in histopathology report, only 26 were detected by ulrasonography. Sensitivity of ultrasound for diagnosis of Adenomyosis is low (61.9%), but specificity is same as compared to the studies of Siedler et al, Ascher et al, and Atri et al.10, 11, 12 Hence, tissue characterization can be cosidedered as limitation of USG in diagnosis of adenomyosis.


Leiomyoma is major cause of abnormal uterine bleeding for which hysterectomy is done. Clinical, sonography and histopathological findings correlated well for diagnosis of fibroids. As sensitivity of USG to diagnose Adenomyosis is low therefore, USG alone cannot rule out the diagnosis other modalities should be considered if clinical findings were consistent with Adenomyosis.

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Shahana Ishaq Chandniwala, Mahima Jain

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